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Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Tubes - Third time's a charm

Zoey and I had a cool concept for a car shoot, but the lights in the studio were set up for another pose. Rather than tearing them down, I decided to try a sci-fi concept with some tubing first. A relatively quick shoot, and then we'd go back to the original concept.

This would be the third attempt for me using the steel tubes. They've always been a challenge to get right visually and they're heavy enough to be awkward to work with. The first time I tried was at the end of the day and the model ran out of time and energy. The second time worked better, although I struggled to get the best angle.

Fortunately, this third time was a charm although still a lot of work during the shoot and afterwards in post. Sci fi is a particularly difficult genre for me. Perhaps it's not something that lends itself to abstraction, and I don't have the right sets. This time was the closest I'd gotten to what I envisioned and something I was happy with.

We were short on time after all that, so we took some test shots with the car. I'll defer posting those until we have better ones in a subsequent shoot. Zoey is an amazing model and pulled off a very difficult shoot. I'm looking forward to my next one with her in the near future.

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