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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good News - Bad News

I had a shoot on the weekend with a pair of great models, but there's a hitch - I can't use some of the shots. I usually ask models what they're alright shooting in advance, but broke my own rule by not getting enough specifics. A bit of awkwardness getting the answers before the shoot results in lots better images after the shoot.

I figured it would be alright because we had shot nudes previously. After looking at the previews, the model felt uncomfortable with shots that stronger expressions, regardless how how much nudity was in the shot. Great erotic art shots are ones that convey powerful emotions while showing relatively little, so some of the best images from that shoot may very well be unusable.

What's even more confusing is some rejected pics showed similar content and subject matter as ones that were considered alright. It was my mistake for not ensuring clear guidelines up front. The last time this happened was 3 or 4 years ago, so I got sloppy. Obviously it's something I need to enforce before booking again. Sigh.

After all's been settled, it seems like any shot that shows her face in an erotically charged image isn't something she wants online. On the bright side, a shot that doesn't show her face or identifying marks is alright regardless of how much it shows. I've had models that wanted to be anonymous before, so this wouldn't be the first. Shoot and learn.

A serene pic from a shoot the week before the one above, with EnderSilence and JessiK:

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